Why sleep is the foundation of wellness

Why sleep is the foundation of wellness

In 2005, well into my first decade of helping people get quality sleep, I connected with local doctors in my then hometown of Nelson, New Zealand to let them know about my work. One of the physicians was an older man who welcomed me into his clinic with smiling eyes....
One honest minute can change your life

One honest minute can change your life

Do you ever feel as though you’re being propelled through life at a pace that’s out of your control, and then find yourself doing things that go against what you truly want? One honest minute can change everything. If you can pause for a moment, and...
Are you thinking yourself to Sleeplessville?

Are you thinking yourself to Sleeplessville?

If you’ve had problems with sleep for any length of time, it’s understandable that you’re concerned about your quality of sleep. But you need to realise that thinking about sleeping badly, worrying about sleeping badly and talking about sleeping badly will only take...